bijuu Name: Ryu
bijuu Age: 16
bijuu Gender: male
element: water
Notes: weakness is exteremly cold temperatures
History/Backround:(more then 2 lines) : ryu hunted down and killede nara clan members. For protection of the clan my mother and father sealed it into there 3 month year old child ..... later on father push me to much so i snapped and used ryu's powers to kill them and my 2 baby brothers then ran away, when i returned everyone thought my family was killed by an enemy and never found out that i really killed my family and i lived in regret but never let anyone know wat happened. and was hoping that know one would ever find out.
how it was sealed inside of you:(more then 2 lines) : ryu hunted down and killede nara clan members. For protection of the clan my mother and father sealed it into there 3 month year old child ( me )